east:~# ipsec setup stop ipsec_setup: Stopping Libreswan IPsec... ipsec_setup: stop ordered, but IPsec appears to be already stopped! ipsec_setup: doing cleanup anyway... east:~# umount /var/tmp; mount /var/tmp east:~# umount /usr/local; mount /usr/local east:~# export TESTNAME=xauth-pluto-07 east:~# source /testing/pluto/bin/eastlocal.sh east:~# ipsec setup start ipsec_setup: Starting Libreswan IPsec VERSION east:~# ipsec auto --add modecfg-road--eastnet-psk east:~# /testing/pluto/bin/wait-until-pluto-started east:~# echo done. done. east:~# east:~# east:~#