east:~# TESTNAME=whackrecord-01 east:~# source /testing/pluto/bin/eastlocal.sh east:~# ipsec setup start ipsec_setup: Starting Libreswan IPsec VERSION east:~# ipsec whack --whackrecord /var/tmp/east.record east:~# ipsec auto --add westnet-eastnet east:~# ipsec whack --debug-control --debug-controlmore --debug-crypt east:~# /testing/pluto/bin/wait-until-pluto-started east:~# : === stuff ==== east:~# ipsec setup stop IPSEC EVENT: KLIPS device ipsec0 shut down. ipsec_setup: Stopping Libreswan IPsec... east:~# east:~# halt mount: proc already mounted Creating initial device nodes...done. east:~# : === echo === east:~# ipsec setup stop ipsec_setup: Stopping Libreswan IPsec... ipsec_setup: stop ordered, but IPsec appears to be already stopped! ipsec_setup: doing cleanup anyway... east:~# kill `cat /var/run/klogd.pid`; cat /tmp/klog.log klogd 1.3-3#33.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started. east:~# halt -p -f System halted.