# /etc/inetd.conf: see inetd(8) for further informations. # # Internet server configuration database # # # Lines starting with "#:LABEL:" or "##" should not # be changed unless you know what you are doing! # # If you want to disable an entry so it isn't touched during # package updates just comment it out with a single '#' character. # # Packages should modify this file by using update-inetd(8) # # # #:INTERNAL: Internal services #echo stream tcp nowait root internal #echo dgram udp wait root internal chargen stream tcp nowait root internal #chargen dgram udp wait root internal discard stream tcp nowait root internal discard dgram udp wait root internal daytime stream tcp nowait root internal #daytime dgram udp wait root internal time stream tcp nowait root internal #time dgram udp wait root internal 2 stream tcp nowait root /bin/dd dd if=/etc/inetd.64k ibs=1024 count=64 obs=65536 #2 stream tcp nowait root /etc/inetd.64k.sh inetd.64k.sh 3 stream tcp nowait root /bin/dd dd if=/etc/inetd.64k ibs=1024 count=2 obs=2048 4 stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/sbin/ipsec ipsec showpolicy #:STANDARD: These are standard services. #:BSD: Shell, login, exec and talk are BSD protocols. #:MAIL: Mail, news and uucp services. #:INFO: Info services #:BOOT: Tftp service is provided primarily for booting. Most sites # run this only on machines acting as "boot servers." #:RPC: RPC based services #:HAM-RADIO: amateur-radio services #:OTHER: Other services