# Define the kmod package name here. %define kmod_name libreswan # If kversion isn't defined on the rpmbuild line, define it here. %{!?kversion: %define kversion 3.0.68-3.ocf.nopl-%{_target_cpu}} #% define with_ocf 1 %if %{with_ocf} %define ocf _ocf %endif Name: %{kmod_name}-kmod Version: 3.10rc2 Release: 1%{?dist}%{ocf} Group: System Environment/Kernel License: GPLv2 Summary: %{kmod_name} kernel module URL: https://libreswan.org/ # so spec can be used on rhel5 and newer BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: redhat-rpm-config ExclusiveArch: i686 x86_64 # Sources. Source0: %{kmod_name}-%{version}.tar.gz # Magic hidden here. %{expand:%(sh /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/kmodtool rpmtemplate %{kmod_name} %{kversion} "")} # Disable the building of the debug package(s). %define debug_package %{nil} %description This package provides the %{kmod_name} kernel module(s). It is built to depend upon the specific ABI provided by a range of releases of the same variant of the Linux kernel and not on any one specific build. %prep %setup -q -n %{kmod_name}-%{version} echo "override %{kmod_name} * weak-updates/%{kmod_name}" > kmod-%{kmod_name}.conf %build %if %{with_ocf} %{__make} KERNELSRC=%{_usrsrc}/kernels/%{kversion} %{?_smp_mflags} MODULE_DEF_INCLUDE=`pwd`/packaging/ocf/config-all.h MODULE_DEFCONFIG=`pwd`/packaging/ocf/defconfig module %else %{__make} KERNELSRC=%{_usrsrc}/kernels/%{kversion} %{?_smp_mflags} module %endif %install rm -rf %{buildroot} export INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%{buildroot} export INSTALL_MOD_DIR=/lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/%{kmod_name} %{__install} -d %{buildroot}/$INSTALL_MOD_DIR %{__install} modobj/ipsec.ko %{buildroot}/$INSTALL_MOD_DIR %{__install} -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/depmod.d/ %{__install} kmod-%{kmod_name}.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/depmod.d/ %{__install} -d %{buildroot}%{_defaultdocdir}/kmod-%{kmod_name}-%{version}/ %{__install} LICENSE %{buildroot}%{_defaultdocdir}/kmod-%{kmod_name}-%{version}/ # Set the module(s) to be executable, so that they will be stripped when packaged. find %{buildroot} -type f -name \*.ko -exec %{__chmod} u+x \{\} \; # Remove the unrequired files. %{__rm} -f %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{kversion}/modules.* %files /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/%{kmod_name}/ipsec.ko %{_sysconfdir}/depmod.d/kmod-%{kmod_name}.conf %{_defaultdocdir}/kmod-%{kmod_name}-%{version}/LICENSE %clean %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %changelog * Mon Mar 11 2013 Paul Wouters - 3.10rc2 - Customized for libreswan KLIPS kernel module * Fri Jan 28 2011 Alan Bartlett - 0.5-6 - Updated the spec file to the current ELRepo Project standards. * Sat Dec 04 2010 Alan Bartlett - 0.5-5 - Updated the packageing to the current ELRepo Project standards. * Mon Nov 15 2010 Alan Bartlett - 0.5-4 - Adjusted the kmodtool file. * Sun Nov 14 2010 Alan Bartlett - 0.5-3 - Adjust & verify both the kmodtool file and this spec file. * Sun Nov 14 2010 Philip J Perry - 0.5-2 - Bump release to test updates * Sat Nov 13 2010 Philip J Perry - 0.5-1 - Update for RHEL6 GA release. * Thu Apr 29 2010 Philip J Perry - 0.5-0.1 - Update to latest release. - Update kmodtool and SPEC file. * Thu Apr 29 2010 Philip J Perry - 0.0-0.1 - Initial el6 build of the kmod package.